Shop online. Deliver to your door.
Create your free account today, shop online and ship everything to us. Select delivery and get everything straight to your door.

Create your free account today, shop online and ship everything to us. Select delivery and get everything straight to your door.
We offer a free US address for online shopping, but unlike our competitor, we have GUARANTEED weekly shipments (air & sea)
We offer merchandise pick-up from any local store in the Miami area.
Tell us the when, where & what and we’ll tell you your rate.
Receive free consolidation for up to 20 packages per week per client.
We offer guaranteed weekly shipments (air & sea)so you don’t have to wait long to receive your items.
We offer door delivery to save you time and money.
We offer guaranteed weekly shipments ( air & sea ) so you don’t have to wait long to receive your items .
Creating an account is FREE and take less than a minute
Shop at all your favorites stores from the comfort of your home
Enter our US warehouse as the shipping address
Once we receive your package we will notify you to send your invoice
Once you pay for shipping, your items are consolidated and ship to you in 7 days or less
You will receive your items via delivery or at our local office. Duties, Taxes and other fees may be required.